Based on a 14 week course with a week removed for vacation or other holidays 13 week course Day 1: 45 minutes Day 2: Lab days 3 hours Week 1 Day 1: Introductions and Syllabus: Blog Setup and What is Wearable Technology? Discussion Assignment: Discussion: Is the Rise of Wearable Electronics Finally Here? Day 2: Discussion on HW topic and Module 1: LEDs and Breadboard Assignment: LED Card Week 2 Day 1: Assignment presentations and Ohms Law Assignment: Discussion: Connect or Disconnect? Day 2: Wearable Soft Circuits Assignment: Soft Circuit DIY Doll Week 3 Day 1: Assignment presentations and Intro to Arduino Assignment: Soldering Day 2: Basics in Pseudocode Assignment: Pseudocode and Capacitive Touch Week 4 Day 1: Assignment discussion and Basics in Programming Day 2: Basics in Programming Continued Assignment: Practice Programming Week 5 Day 1: Assignment discussion and Discussion: Vision of Tomorrow and Code Review Slides Day 2: Introduction to SquareWear Assignment: Music Box DIY Tune Week 6 Day 1: Assignment presentations and What is Technology's Role in Health? Day 2: LEDs and NeoPixels Responding to Sound Assignment: Sound Respond Week 7 Day 1: Assignment presentations and Money No Object: Craft + Technology Residency Day 2: Exploring Other Sensors Assignment: Working with other sensors Week 8 Day 1: Assignment presentations and Pitch and Planning Day 2: Develop Final Project Idea Assignment: Create Draft of Pitch Week 9 Day 1: Practice Pitches with a classmate and modify pitches Assignment: Create pitch and Design Documents :including a budget/list of required materials/components and a timeline of weekly milestones. Day 2: Final Project Pitches with Design Documents Week 10 Day 1: Open Lab Day 2: Open Lab Week 11 Day 1: Open Lab Day 2: Open Lab Week 12 Day 1: Open Lab Day 2: Open Lab Week 13 Day 1: Final Project Presentations Day 2: Final Project Presentations